
The NYC Carpenters Union
The NYC Carpenters Union is a diverse body representing thousands of New York City’s most skilled workers. We’re building tomorrow, together.

The NYC Carpenters Union is the voice of over 20,000 of the city’s most skilled Carpenters, Millwrights, Dockbuilders, Marine Divers, Core Drillers, Timbermen, Concrete Carpenters, Cabinetmakers, Floorcoverers and Industrial Workers. United across nine Locals, we fight for the rights, safety, and wages of our members. We work to help you build a future you can be proud of.

The strength of the union comes from its members. In the NYC Carpenters union, every member has a voice. From contract negotiations to political endorsements, our union brothers and sisters are represented in every decision that is made. The strength of our family, united, lifts up every one of us. Our voices, united, secure the rights of all workers.

Carpenters believe that every working man and woman has certain rights, but we also realize that with rights come responsibilities – and we take both seriously. Our Bill of Rights and Responsibilities tells the world what we believe in, and what we are prepared to contribute.
All working people have a right to:
  • A good job with benefits.
  • A living wage that can support a family.
  • Security and dignity in work and retirement.
  • A safe and secure workplace.
  • Education and training.
With rights come responsibilities:
  • Being productive and efficient workers.
  • Producing work of the highest quality.
  • Improving our communities.
  • Helping fellow workers achieve safety.
  • Being active citizens and informed voters.