Political Action

What We Do

Our Political Action Department advocates for policies that will help put our members to work, increase worker safety and benefits, and oversees our member-led candidate endorsement process.

From labor laws to safety regulation to job creation, the relationship between the construction industry and government is a fundamental one. The political arm of the union works closely with agencies and elected officials to ensure that the interests of our brothers and sisters in labor carry the day. We work to ensure that job creation legislation benefits our members and that worker safety measures protect our families.

Carpenters Rise

Rise With Us

Carpenters RISE is a union-wide effort to educate, organize, and empower members in the political process. Under EST Joseph Geiger’s leadership, members now interview and recommend the candidates we endorse, learn how to make their voices heard, and build the power we need to put union carpenters to work.


The New York Carpenters Union has seen a political rebirth in recent years. Our Political Action Department has led a fight to secure more hours, more jobs, and better protections for our union brothers and sisters. Some of the victories we’re proudest of are detailed below.