Brothers and Sisters,
Memorial Day will hit home a little different this year. What is usually a day to gather with family and friends and honor those who have bravely fought or are currently fighting for our country, will now be spent quietly at home or through virtual get-togethers. We are all struggling right now. So, let us remember those service members who have fallen in the line of duty for our country for they have given the biggest sacrifice so that we may enjoy freedom. While our freedom may seem limited right now, know that is it for the greater good and we all must do our part to help our great nation recover.
During this COVID-19 pandemic, we have been fighting a battle of a silent enemy. It has taken a toll both financially and with the loss of our union brothers and sisters. On this day, let us also honor and remember those we have lost to this crisis. Our members are some of the strongest and most resilient people I know. We will come out on the other side of this stronger than before.
Let’s take a moment and reflect on the sacrifices our brave men and women in uniform have made and find the strength within ourselves to keep moving forward. May we never forget those who fought for our freedom. On behalf of the NYCDCC, I wish everyone a safe, healthy, and happy Memorial Day!
In solidarity,
Joseph Geiger
Executive Secretary-Treasurer