Brothers and Sisters,
Labor Day is OUR day, brothers, and sisters, and as we approach the upcoming Labor Day holiday, I’m reminded of the solidarity and perseverance shown by our 20,000 members in our union. The word “solidarity” is used a lot within the District Council walls and out in the field, but I think we could all use a refresher on the real meaning of the word. Simply put, it means to have shared interest and unity among one another.
At multiple points this year, I have seen or heard of our union brothers and sisters engaging in countless acts of solidarity with one another, within our communities, and across the world.
It has come in random acts of kindness like when retired member Martin Maguire reached out to the District Council to sing the praises on and off the jobsite of a recently retired colleague and union brother, Sean Cassidy. And it has come in unexpected ways, too. Here in NYC, union carpenters Gary McKenna and Kevin Ortiz used the CPR they learned as part of their apprenticeship program to save the life of fellow tradesman in the Sheet Metal Workers Union who had a heart attack on a job site. And because “a victory for one is a victory for all,” we saw it when our Australian union counterparts CFMEU had our back as we launched a joint attack against Australia-based developer Lendlease to turn part of a job at 1 Java Street.
It’s this very solidarity that keeps our union alive and thriving. Whether it is two members or thousands of our members showing up for a common cause, we get things done. Big or small, in our backyard or around the globe, solidarity is the thread that binds us together. It’s what sets us apart from other trades and the nonunion. As we celebrate, let’s always remember that it’s the solidarity of workers who came before us and fought for protections and fair wages that helped pave the way for our union’s existence, as well as the very holiday of Labor Day.
I hope you all spend the holiday doing something you enjoy, be it with family and friends or enjoying a much needed day off. I’m also excited to see you all next week at the annual NYC Labor Day Parade on Saturday, September 7th. The lineup starts at 10AM and our march time is at 10:45AM at 45th Street between 6th and 7th Avenue. Make sure to bring your loved ones, as this is a day for all in our NYC District Council of Carpenters’ family!
In Solidarity,

Joseph A. Geiger